According to the top hernia doctor, hiatal hernia occurs due to bulging of the upper part of a person’s stomach through the large muscle separating the abdomen and chest (diaphragm). The diaphragm consists of a small opening (hiatus) through which the esophagus (the food tube) travels before connecting to the stomach. In a hiatal hernia, a part of the stomach forces through the hiatus into the chest.



Types of Hernia

According to Dr Prosenjit Choudhury, the best hernia Surgeon in Kolkata, the different types of hernia are:

      Type I: It is also called the sliding hernia and is the most common type of hiatal hernia (95%). The gastroesophageal junction, in people with a sliding hernia, moves above the diaphragm. The stomach stays in its original position while the fundus (the upper part of the stomach next to cardia) remains just below the gastroesophageal junction.

      Type II: This hiatal hernia is characterized by a part of the fundus protruding from the hiatus while the gastroesophageal junction remains in its usual position.

      Type III: This is a combination of the first and second types, with the gastroesophageal junction and the fundus sticking out through the hiatus.

      Type IV: Type IV hiatal hernia is characterized by herniation of the stomach along with the spleen, colon, small bowel, and pancreas through the esophageal hiatus. This type of hernia is relatively rare, representing only about 5%–7% of all hernias. It can lead to severe complications.


Symptoms of Hernia

Most of the small hernias do not show any sign of their presence. However, the large hernias can be associated with the following symptoms, says Clinica Health’s best hernia doctor in Kolkata.





      Chest pain

Large hernia symptoms can worsen upon lifting heavy objects, leaning forward, lying down, and during pregnancy. In some rare cases, the portion of the stomach that herniates into the chest cavity may get strangulated, causing:

      Severe chest pain

      Obstruction of esophagus

      Difficulty in swallowing (dysphagia)

If you experience these symptoms, consult a hernia specialist doctor in Kolkata as soon as possible.


Dr. Choudhury Provides Best laparoscopic hernia treatment at Olivia Nursing Home Best Hernia Treatment Center in Kolkata.




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