What are Piles?

As explained by the top piles surgeon in Kolkata, piles or hemorrhoids are a swollen collection of veins and tissues in your anus and lower rectum. Piles vary in size and can be located inside or outside the anus. Piles situated at 2 and 4 centimeters above the anal opening are known as Internal Hemorrhoids. The ones found on the outside edge of the anus are known as External Hemorrhoids


How to tell that you have piles?

According to Dr. Prosenjit Choudhury, considered to be the best piles Surgeon in Kolkata, you are likely to have piles, if you experience

      Itching or irritation in your anal region.


      Pain or discomfort.


     Swelling around your anus


      Bleeding per rectum



Symptoms of Piles


Dr. Prosenjit Choudhury, the best piles doctor in Kolkata, lists the symptoms an individual with piles may experience. Typically, piles symptoms are not a cause of concern. The issue usually resolves on its own within a few days.

      A hard, painful lump around the anus.

      The bowel may feel full even after defecation.

      Discharge of bright red blood with stool.

      The area surrounding the anus feels itchy and sore

      Pain during defecation.

These symptoms can, however, turn severe and cause significant health issues. The severe symptoms include –

      Excessive anal bleeding, causing anaemia.

      Infection or a blood clot due to strangulated haemorrhoid

      Fecal Incontinence (inability to control bowel movements)

      Anal Fistula






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Visit The Best Piles Surgeon in Kolkata, Top Piles Doctor in Dumdum, North Kolkata