What is Anal Fissure Its cause and symptoms

What causes an anal fissure? 

An anal fissure most often occurs when passing large or hard stools as per Top Fissure Specialist in Kolkata Dr. Prosenjit Choudhury. Chronic constipation or frequent diarrhea can also tear the skin around your anus.

Causes include:

  • straining during childbirth or bowel movements
  • having inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), such as Crohn’s disease
  • having decreased blood flow to the anorectal area
  • having overly tight or spastic anal sphincter muscles
  • engaging in anal sex
  • inserting objects into the anus

What are the symptoms of an anal fissure?

As per Top Fissure Surgeon in Kolkata Dr. Prosenjit Choudhury an anal fissure may cause one or more of the following symptoms:

  • a visible tear in the skin around your anus
  • a skin tag, or small lump of skin, next to the tear
  • sharp pain in the anal area during bowel movements
  • streaks of blood on stools or on toilet paper after wiping
  • burning or itching in the anal area

Best Fissure Surgery Doctor in Kolkata Dr. Prosenjit Choudhury also suggests that if you have a fistula, you don’t need to worry. Visit The Best Fissure Specialist in Kolkata at Olivia Nursing Home and treat Fissure at affordable cost.